Welcome to
The House of Life...
Our Mission and Vision…
To provide an exemplary worship atmosphere for all mankind to become productive Christians in the body of Christ!
Abundant Life Tabernacle will strive to be a nondenominational congregation where all are cultivated and motivated to make a difference throughout the world!
Let’s Connect!!!!
Pastor SDJr has a down to earth and simplistic approach to delivering the word of God which captures audiences of all ages and beliefs. There are openings available for 2024 so get him booked today. There’s a LIFE CHANGING word just for you and your family! We would love to connect with you soon! Blessings!
Thank you so much for viewing our site today! We greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We are the senior leaders and founders of Abundant Life Tabernacle, Inc. that was birthed on June 18, 2009 with a weekly “bible study” that eventually turned into a Sunday evening worship service that same year in September. The Lord has been more than kind with growth, support, miracles, signs and wonders that are exhibited at ALT! It is marvelous in His sight and we know that we would have never made it had it not been for His grace and mercy. Please feel free to join us live and in-person for our weekly worship opportunities as well as viewing us on Facebook Live! Remember that Jesus came that you might have life and life more abundantly!
Pastor Steven & Lady ‘Cicely” Driver, Jr.
Founder / Senior Pastor!
“Remember that with God all this are possible. Don’t allow anyone to down-play His goodness…”
— Senior Pastor, Steven Driver, Jr.

Please allow 24-48 hours for all inquiry responses pertaining to speaking engagements, counseling, etc.
(678) 318-3630